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Waste Recycling Treatment

Since 2000, CUC has designed more than 10 waste resource utilization projects, which have formed unique advantages in the field of waste resource utilization and waste recycling.
CUC is one of the earliest companies in China to carry out the design of waste recycling projects. CUC has completed more than 10 waste recycling projects and its performance ranks among the top in China, including waste sorting projects, waste to RDF projects, waste recycling project, obsolete waste resource utilization project, etc. In recent years, CUC has also developed a solid recovery fuel preparation system, a domestic waste recycling system, a domestic waste sorting and drying system, etc., to provide technical support for waste recycling projects.
CUC has a wide range of waste recycling business, and can provide customers with customized waste recycling plans based on the different material characteristics and working conditions. For example, in the preparation of high calorific value fuel, the process route of biological drying bin + fully automatic crane + mechanical sorting is adopted; for the separation and recovery of valuable waste materials, magnetic separation, wind separation, and non-metal screening are used, to separate recyclables such as plastics, paper scraps, metals, plastics, etc.; plastic classification, cleaning, granulation, etc.; for stale garbage recycling projects, adopts screening, winnowing and other screening steps to separate combustibles garbage. The completion of these waste recycling projects indicates that CUC has overcome the technical difficulties of domestic waste sorting and treatment, and realized the design of corresponding sorting systems for different domestic waste components and market needs, forming the core market competitiveness of CUC in waste recycling business.

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